About Us
We help you work faster and make your work look incredible.
It's time for our Niagara projects to look and feel modern and brilliant. It's time for our systems to connect with the rest of the internet easily and cost effectively. It's time to show our customers something new and unexpected from their automation systems.

NiagaraMods is a collection of knowledge, resources, tools & services
We offer a number of free tools and services to help your productivity and deliver solutions that will delight and amaze your clients. We post regular articles that cover everything from the Niagara basics, to advanced user interface design theories and everything in between.
See how NiagaraMods can make you insanely productive.
Our Team
Our cross functional team of Niagara experts from different backgrounds and day jobs comes together to bring you NiagaraMods

Jerry Gray
Niagara Wizard

Zach Overholser
Design Guru

Adam Bergman
Developer Geek

Chris Flohr

Sam Bergman
JavaScript Ninja

Jon Bray
Reflow Maestro