A tag dictionary designed to expand the haystack tag dictionary. When using the configured naming convention for points, those points will automatically be tagged.


Niagara Haystack Expansion

A tag dictionary designed to expand the haystack tag dictionary. When using the configured naming convention for points, those points will automatically be tagged.

This dictionary includes a long list of tag rules to auto tag your points based on naming.


Drag and drop .bog file to the tag dictionary service in your Niagara station.

note: You should already have the haystack dictionary in your station using the default Namespace "hs"

Tested with Haystack Version "3.0.2 N.2"


Refer to the Excel sheet "Common Name Conventions" for naming standards.

Currently the Name convention uses all caps names with underscore to separate words. Originally the order of the words was important, but many rules were updated so that order of words does not matter. i.e. DIS_AIR_TEMP is tagged the same way as AIR_TEMP_DIS.

To see what tags have been added to a point, look at the indirect tags in the "Edit Tags" screen, or in spy.

While a naming convention has not been specified for components that should not be tagged, I recommend CamelHump for for components that aren't tagged like point folders or program objects.

Currently not all Haystack tags are supported, the current version primarily focuses on HVAC related tags.

Future Updates

  • Include Electrical related tags

  • Add rules for relational tags

  • Subversions to accommodate other name conventions

Copyright 2021 CJ Gorrell

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A tag dictionary designed to expand the haystack tag dictionary. When using the configured naming convention for points, those points will automatically be tagged.

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Last Updated

Jun 9, 2021


Niagara 4 Only

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