Quickly change the first digits of many Bacnet Point Object Identifiers (ObjectID) with a single action


Bacnet Prefixer

Bacnet Prefixer can be used to quickly change the first digits of a Bacnet point's Object Identifier (ObjectID). After running the execute action the program object will loop through each of its parent's children (its siblings) looking for points with a BacnetProxyExt. When it finds a point, it will attempt to set its object ID with the prefix you put on the property sheet (replacing the starting digits with the prefix digits).


  1. Extract the BOG file from the zip on to your local computer

  2. In Workbench, find the BOG file in the "My File System" tree

  3. Drag the BacnetPrefixer.bog file on to your station under a parent component containing the points you wish to change (typically a BacnetPointFolder).


  1. Right-click on the BacnetPrefixer program object in your tree and go to Views > Program Editor.

  2. Click the Compile icon or go to the Program Editor menu item and select the Compile menu item

  3. Go to the Property Sheet for the BacnetPrefixer program object and set the Object ID Prefix value to the prefix you wish to use

  4. Right-click on the BacnetPrefixer program object and go to Actions > Execute

  5. You should see a report of which points were changed or skipped in your Application Director

Copyright 2020 NiagaraMods

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Quickly change the first digits of many Bacnet Point Object Identifiers (ObjectID) with a single action

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Last Updated

Sep 15, 2020


Niagara 4 Only


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