Modified "New" component/widget bog files to allow for quick right click access to specific components/widgets
"New" Components/Widgets
Modified "New" component/widget bog files to allow for quick right click access to specific components/widgets
Navigate to your default workbench component directory:
Delete or Rename "newComponents.bog" & "newWidgets.bog"
Extract files & place the extracted files in the directory with the renamed files (or where the deleted files were)
Edit the bog files to your liking for a custom workbench experience
Restore original files to undo
Once installed, when right clicking on a wire sheet you'll have additional "new" components
Also will add "new" widgets when editing a Px File
Copyright 2022 Matt Pavlick
Modified "New" component/widget bog files to allow for quick right click access to specific components/widgets
Direct Link
Last Updated
Sep 7, 2022
License type
NiagaraMods Exchange LicenseCompatability
Niagara 4 Only