AC Unit
Indoor and Outdoor Unit Graphic - AC Split Unit Images suitable for Niagara Picture Widget.
Login to the Niagara station and navigate to the Station File System using the Files item in the Nav Tree
Create a new folder under Files named
Unzip the package, there will be a folder inside named SplitUnit.
Copy and paste the files you wish to use to the Images
folder under Files in your Niagara station
Create a new PX file
Right-click on your PX file and choose
Double click on the image and set the image path to either the indoorunit.png or outdoorunit.png image.
If using the SVG images (included), ensure the 'scale' property is set to 'Fit Ratio'
Copyright 2021 Richard Jocelyn installation instructions for this package
Enter usage instructions for this package
Copyright 2021 Richard Jocelyn