Compares 2 analog inputs and produces a binary signal as a result



Compares two analog inputs and produces a binary signal as a

result of the comparison. Inputs must be positive numbers.

Remarks The output is ON when the plus input is greater than or equal to the

minus input plus the trigger deadband (TDB). The output goes OFF when the

plus input is less than or equal to the minus input, minus the restore deadband


Plus Input > (Minus Input + TDB) Output is On

Plus Input < (Minus Input - RDB) Output is Off

(Minus Input - RDB) < Plus Input < (Minus Input + TDB) No Change

REV-001 is a little more user friendly. Instead of only compositing IN-10, the Fallback and the Set are composited. You can tie a value directly into the Fallback, or set the value.


Unzip the file. Paste the .bog in a folder on your C drive. Navigate to folder from Workbench/My File System/C and paste the .bog file in a wire sheet.


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Copyright 2021 Jamie Pate

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Compares 2 analog inputs and produces a binary signal as a result

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Last Updated

Apr 25, 2022

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