There are 3 Analog Inputs and one Analog Output. The output equals the input as long as it is within the range of the Hi/Low Limits


High/Low Limiter

There are 3 Analog Inputs and one Analog Output. The output equals the input as long as it is within the range of the Hi/Low Limits. All inputs must be positive numbers. If the input exceeds the high limit, the output is set to the value of the high limit. If the input is less than the low input, the output is set to the low limit.


Unzip the file. Paste the .bog in a folder on your C drive. Navigate to folder from Workbench/My File System/C and paste the .bog file in a wire sheet.


To restrict an analog value to a user defined range (defined by high and low limits).

Copyright 2022 Jamie Pate

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There are 3 Analog Inputs and one Analog Output. The output equals the input as long as it is within the range of the Hi/Low Limits

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Last Updated

Apr 25, 2022

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