1,000+ free icons packaged for use in Niagara PX views


FontAwesome Icon Pack

1,000+ free icons packaged for use in Niagara PX views


FontAwesome Icon Pack is a free module that includes icons from one of the most highly awarded and widely recognized icon collections on the planet.

While FontAwesome is a free icon pack for anyone to use it has been designed to work for developers building web sites and applications. This module encapsulates the icon collection and includes a simple Niagara component that you can drag and drop in to your views.

What's new in 1.0.3 – January 2023

The FontAwesome Icon Pack has been updated from version 5.5 to 5.15.4. This includes support for many new icons.

Getting Started

  1. Download and install the FontAwesome Icon Pack to Workbench and add it to your station.

  2. Edit the view you wish to add an icon to and open the FontAwesome Icon Pack palette (nmodsicons).

  3. Drag the FontAwesome Icon component from your palette to your view

  4. The NiagaraMods logo will load in, double-click it to edit the properties and set the icon property to the icon name you want to use.

  5. Change any other properties including the iconStylecolor, and backgroundColor. Then click "OK".

Choosing an Icon

FontAwesome Free includes 1,086 icons – 151 icons in the regular style, and 935 in the solid style. You can search for icons on the FontAwesome website. Remember if you want to use a regular style icon, you need to change the iconStyle property of the widget to regular from the default of solid.

Our top picks

We've categorized a list of common icons that would be great for your BAS interface. View the full list or choose a category below: Alarms, Energy, Buildings, Schedule/Calendar, Charts, Points, Weather, User Interface, Data, People, Arrows

Search the entire collection

You can search the entire collection of icons on fontawesome.com. Remember to select "Free" and either "Regular" or "Solid" as your search critera. The links below will take you to a search that only includes the icons in the module:

Free Solid Icons Search

Free Regular Icons Search (don't forget to change iconStyle to regular when using these icons)

Copyright 2022 NiagaraMods

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1,000+ free icons packaged for use in Niagara PX views

17,749 views • 4,062 downloads
Package Details

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Last Updated

Jan 12, 2023


Niagara 4 Only

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