Jamie Pate
Jamie Pate

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All of the facets in an Excel document separated and searchable

Saw a post on another site where someone was asking how to do this using kitControl only. This is something I threw together.

A collection of N4 Modules. Different version for some. Check folder and add to appropriate version.

There are 3 Analog Inputs and one Analog Output. The output equals the input as long as it is within the range of the Hi/Low Limits

The setpoint can be controlled by global high and low setpoints so that it cannot be written above or below, and can be excluded from globals if needed.

Rotate Equipment based on schedule or manual rotate. Remove any failed/shutdown equipment from rotation.

Add a BACnet proxy point to multiple devices


The output will turn from off to on when the input is within the range defined. REV001 - Made this a little more user friendly

This will prevent an output from changing state ("short cycling").